Bail for CJX inmates is determined according to the Orange County Bail Schedule, and is based upon the crime(s), for which they were arrested.The term “bail” is used to describe the money that an inmate pays (or that someone else pays on his behalf) to the arresting agency or court to guarantee that the inmate will appear at court after he is released from orange county jail.

If the defendant appears in court for all appearances, bail will be returned when the case is over. The bail money will be forfeited to the court if the defendant doesn’t attend all court appearances.The Intake Release Center is open 24 hours/ 7 days/ week to let someone out of Orange County Central Jail Complex. The size of the complex can make this process take anywhere from six (6) to ten (10) hours.

The Orange County Central Jail Complex allows inmates to make a free phone call upon arrival. After that, the inmates may only place outgoing telephone calls using a calling-card or a collect call.If you want to send money to an individual inmate so that they can buy a call card, please follow the guidelines in Section 6. How to put money “on the books” at the Orange County Central Jail in order for him/her to purchase a calling card from the Jail commissary.

Contact your local telephone provider to confirm that calling cards and collect calls are not blocked in your plan.Inmates are prohibited from receiving incoming calls. You can visit a prisoner in person, or write to them. These two options will be discussed in the following two sections.

In the CJX, putting money “on the book” allows family or friends of an inmate to deposit cash into the inmate’s personal bank account. Cash that an inmate brought with him at the time he was booked will be deposited to this account unless it has been confiscated by the arresting authority as evidence.

This account allows prisoners to purchase items from the commissary while they’re incarcerated. These include food, drinks and games.You may “put money on your books” with cash, money orders or government checks. All other forms of payments will not be accepted. The maximum amount of money that can be in an inmate’s account is $500.

You can choose to send an inmate cash. If you want to send in money, you can either use a money order or a government-issued check that meets the requirements above. Also, be sure to adhere to the additional rules that apply to mail as described above in Section 5. Rules and Regulations regarding mail correspondence.

If you decide to deposit funds in person, or via mail, they will be immediately available for use by the inmate.When an inmate is brought to the Orange County Central Jail Complex for arrest, all property that they possess at the moment of arrest will be collected and stored. Typically, this property is stored until an inmate is released. An inmate can designate a family member or friend to collect the property for him/her.

When you visit the prison regularly, you can complete a form requesting property from an inmate. You will then be able retrieve the inmate’s property after a staff member signs the form. The arrangement doesn’t have to be made in advance.

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